
Traveling in Europe
Europe is the closest continent to us and each of its places can be reached in about 2 hours by flight from Italy.
We are almost all from Tuscany and we are fortunate to have Pisa airport near us, which is one of Italy's main air hubs for Ryanair. From Pisa airport you can reach almost all European capitals with ease.
Tour in Europe
Choose one of the trips to the old continent made by our travellers or take inspiration from our tours for your next trip.
Take advantage of our suggestions for a safe trip without surprises, tricks and tips ranging from the necessary documents to travel in Europe to where to sleep in the various European countries we have visited.

The destinations you will find in our stories have been personally visited by the members of who provide you with all their experience.

Malta What to See: 20 things not to be missed

This is meant to be a short guide on what to see in Malta and what to do on the island. I personally have been ...

Speaker’s Corner Hide park London

During one of my travels in London I was intrigued by a story in my guidebook about Speaker’s Corner, a place where on specific days ...

What to eat in Scotland – Typical Scottish dishes

On our trip to Scotland one of the concerns of good Italians was what to eat in Scotland and whether Scottish cuisine would live up ...

Things to see in the Leopardian village

In Recanati there are many things to see, but the occasion to visit this wonderful town was the anniversary of L’infinito. On 28 May 2019 ...

Cantine Florio in Marsala: history, scents and flavors

Although I have been to Marsala dozens of times, for some reason I had never been to Cantine Florio Marsala and just between us, I ...

Scotland what to see, account of our tour of Scotland

Every year in September I organise an on-the-road trip with my trusty companions, and for 2019 we have chosen a beautiful seven-day driving tour of ...

Cinque Terre what to see, endless emotions

The five lands are just a few dozen kilometres from where we live, so every now and then a trip out of town to visit ...

Provence what to see, 4 itineraries not to be missed

Provence what to see was the question I asked myself when I made my first trip to Provence in 2003. Since then, this destination rich ...
dovevado home photo

Tour e destinazioni in Europa

Uno spazio predominante per la visita del nostro “Bel Paese” ma potrete scoprire la nostra passione per i paesi Europei visitati dai noi e dai nostri amici con i metodi più diversi: dal trekking fino agli viaggi di lusso.
Dalla visita delle capitali Europee come Londra e Parigi, fino agli angoli più romantici del vecchio continente come il tour della Lavanda in Provenza o quello alla scoperta dei Tulipani in Olanda